Responsible Investing

90 North maintains that responsible investing is essential to undertaking profitable real estate investments.

Our Promise

90 North is committed that all investments are environmentally sound, socially responsible and appropriately governed.

Investing in this manner is a core part of 90 North’s heritage, having acquired and managed a large number of assets which are Shari’ah compliant. 

90 North is a founding partner of the CBI backed Good Business Charter. 

Responsible Criteria

  • Environmental

    We avoid acquiring properties where:

    • Environmental issues have occurred or are likely to do so
    • The tenant’s activity is likely to damage the environment
    • Tenants’ requirements for energy efficiencies can’t be met

    We prefer to acquire properties that provide best-in-class accommodation, including buildings with:

    • “Excellent” or “Outstanding” rating from BREEAM in the UK
    • At least “Silver” LEED certified in the US

    We apply the following principles:

    • Not acquiring properties where the tenant’s activity could have a negative social impact and be subject to adverse government intervention
    • Frequently purchasing properties that have a positive social impact, including care homes and student accommodation
    • Delivering accommodation that is fit for purpose
    • Engaging in frequent tenant liaison to address any tenant issues or wishes
    • Delivering a positive environment for people working at 90 North, encouraging personal development and responsibility

    We apply the following principles:

    • Co-investing in all acquisitions unless requested not to by the investor, believing a clear alignment of interests is essential
    • Aligning remuneration of our Partners to the performance of individual investments
    • Where boards are established for the management of transactions, ensuring that the board members have the necessary skills to fulfil such a role
    • Being transparent in all aspects of our business dealings
    • Establishing shareholder agreements on transactions that are equitable to all participants

ESG in Action

  • General Electric, Cincinnati

    In preparation for re-entry post Covid-19 lockdowns, 90 North implemented the necessary improvements for General Electric’s office in Cincinnati to achieve a WELL Health-Safety rating. A comprehensive assessment, the rating focuses on indoor air and water quality, cleaning and sanitation procedures, health service resources, emergency preparedness and stakeholder engagement. 

  • Student Accommodation Portfolio

    All our student operators work closely with Student Minds, the UK’s leading student mental health charity to help raise awareness of the issues and pressures that students face during their studies. By working with Student Minds, they can further support students across our properties and help battle the stigma of mental health to get people talking.

  • Dutch Office Portfolio

    Our Dutch office portfolio comprises properties that have achieved the world’s most recognised LEED and BREEAM certifications for sustainability, and WELL certification for health and wellbeing, thus providing internationally recognised third-party verification that the buildings were designed and built using strategies aimed at improving performance across all the metrics that matter most.